Q: How much does Bill Pay cost?
A: Bill Pay is Free! Bill Pay will actually save you time and money by not having to write out checks, apply postage and get them in the mail.
Q: How do I add the optional Bill Pay service if I did not select it when I applied for NetTeller Online Banking?
A: An Online Application is available by clicking on APPLY NOW and selecting Bill Pay.
Q: When and how are bill payments processed?
A: Scheduled payments are processed Monday through Friday at 12:00 a.m. (EST). Payments will be processed the evening before they are scheduled and sent the morning of the requested processing day.
If payment is by check, the check is mailed for the following morning. Please note, it can takes 5-7 days for the check to be mailed and processed. Please consider adjusting the payment date to account for this.
Electronic payments also go out the morning after a payment is processed. Since electronic payments are processed through the Federal Reserve, we can’t guarantee when the payment will be deducted from your account. However, this process generally takes two days.
Q: Are payments processed on holidays?
A: Payments are not processed the night before a holiday, instead they are processed the night of the holiday. Using Thanksgiving as an example, payments would be processed on Thursday night rather than Wednesday night.
Q: What happens if I lose or forget my Bill Pay ID or PIN?
A: If you lose or forget your Bill Pay ID or PIN, please call any of our offices and we will be happy to assist you.
Q: Whom can I pay with Bill Pay?
A: You can pay anyone in the United States. The only restriction is that you cannot pay any government agencies.
Q: Are there any minimum or maximum payment amounts?
A: You may schedule payments up to 90 days in advance of the first due date. Recurring payments can have an end date any year in the future.
Q: What are the definitions of the different types of status a payment can have?
A: Pending: The payment has been processed, but not yet sent.
Processed: The payment has been processed and sent.
Hold: The payment has a research request on it. This usually means the payment is incomplete, but can be processed when the issue is resolved.
Stopped: The consumer or the Bill Pay service has stopped the payment. Once stopped, the payment cannot be processed again.
Q: Can I postdate a single payment?
A: Yes, just set the payment date for any date in the future. Single payments are actually set up into two categories: current and future payments, which allow the user to schedule payments in the future or for the current date.
Q: Do I have to notify my payee that I will be sending a payment through Online Bill Pay?
A: No. Your payees do not have to notified.
Q: Will the memo field from a scheduled payment be printed on the check sent to the payee?
A: No. The memo field is for your personal use and is stored electronically at your financial institution with the record of your transaction. The account number that you entered when adding the payee to your Personal Payee List is printed on the check. This lets the payee know to which account the payment should be applied.
Q: Can I edit vendor addresses?
A: Yes, This can be done by clicking on Bill Payment, then click Payees and utilize the drop down box to either Edit or Delete. Make any changes you wish and click Submit.
Q: Can I have multiple payments to the same payee on the same day?
A: You can make multiple payments to the same payee as long as the payment amounts are different. For your protection, the system will not pay duplicate items on the same day.

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